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amica mia
KONPLOTT Retailer mit sehr grosser & aktueller Kollektion in Deiner Region
über mii
Lieblingsstükke by Martina Wodke
Afternoon Tea
Alien Caviar
Art Deco Oriental
Arabic NIghts
Beach to Bar
Bohemian Treasures
Business Glam
Chanlion Rocks
Crystal Forest
Daisy Riot
Earth Wind & Business
Earth wind & Glamour
Eye of the cobra
For Tilda S
Gems Riot
Heart Beat
Honey Drops in Space
Jumping Bagutte De Luxe
Jumping Baguette
Lovely Lucy
Love Bugs
Mary Queen of Scots
Metal Crash
Punk Classics
Shopping Drops
Simplicité Royale
Soul of Thorns
Star Trekking
To The Max
Water Blossom
über mii
Lieblingsstükke by Martina Wodke
Afternoon Tea
Alien Caviar
Art Deco Oriental
Arabic NIghts
Beach to Bar
Bohemian Treasures
Business Glam
Chanlion Rocks
Crystal Forest
Daisy Riot
Earth Wind & Business
Earth wind & Glamour
Eye of the cobra
For Tilda S
Gems Riot
Heart Beat
Honey Drops in Space
Jumping Bagutte De Luxe
Jumping Baguette
Lovely Lucy
Love Bugs
Mary Queen of Scots
Metal Crash
Punk Classics
Shopping Drops
Simplicité Royale
Soul of Thorns
Star Trekking
To The Max
Water Blossom
Kalaidoscope Illusion Blue, Grey/ Silver
CHF 79.80
Komplott Mix the Rocks Crystal blush/antique bras
ab CHF 79.90
Konplott Aquarell Purple / Silver
CHF 79.80
Konplott Fiancee Orange/ Brass
ab CHF 49.80
Konplott Filigree, Silver
ab CHF 69.00
Konplott Oriental Architecture Brass, gold-beige
ab CHF 69.80
Konplott Pearl Shadow Beige /Silber
ab CHF 39.80
Konplott Sparkle Twist
ab CHF 19.80
Konplott Abegail Toxic Flame/ Silber
ab CHF 79.80
Konplott African Glam Rosalind / Copper
CHF 169.00
Konplott Afternoon Tea Poison Mix / Brass
ab CHF 59.80
Konplott Alien Caviar Forever red / Copper
ab CHF 99.80
Konplott Arabic Nights Black- Green / Antique Bras
ab CHF 59.80
Konplott Baguette
ab CHF 79.80
Konplott Beach To Bar Green / Light Antique Brass
CHF 169.00
Konplott Bohemian Treasures
ab CHF 69.80
Konplott Cleo Purple / Copper
ab CHF 19.80
Konplott Crystal Forest Ohrstecker Blue Lilla / An
CHF 149.00
Konplott Crystal Forest Ohrstecker White/ Antique
CHF 109.00
Konplott Daisy Flash Red / Brass
CHF 39.80
Konplott Daisy Riot Multi Red / Antique Copper
ab CHF 59.80
Konplott Dangling Tuitui
CHF 99.80
Konplott Earth Wind & Business Blue Lila / Antique
ab CHF 59.80
Konplott Earth wind & Glamour
ab CHF 39.80
Konplott Enchanted Pink / Antique Brass
CHF 49.80
Konplott Eternal Glory Brown, Red / antique Brass
ab CHF 109.00
konplott Eye of the Cobra
CHF 169.00
Konplott From Joanna with love Silver
ab CHF 69.80
Konplott From Johanna with love Kupfer
ab CHF 19.80
Konplott Geisha Lotus Kimono/ Brass
ab CHF 79.80
Konplott Gems Riot
ab CHF 109.00
Konplott Heart Beat Collier Beige Green / Antique
CHF 299.00
Konplott Impire States of Incas White /Silver
ab CHF 79.80
Konplott Indian Roses
CHF 39.80
Konplott Industrial White / Silber
ab CHF 49.80
Konplott Inside Out Blue / Silver
ab CHF 39.80
Konplott Jelly Star Ring
ab CHF 109.00
Konplott Jumping Baguette De Luxe
ab CHF 49.80
Konplott Knitghts of the Dragon
ab CHF 69.80
Konplott Lost Garden Sonder Edition 2020/ 2021
CHF 239.00
Konplott Love Bugs Rubiresque/ antique Brass
CHF 139.00
Konplott Love Lost - Love Found - Lucky Day
ab CHF 139.00
Konplott Lovely Lucy Lagoon Turquoise / Antique Co
ab CHF 69.80
Konplott Maharani Blue, Green/ Brass
CHF 529.00
Konplott Mandala Pink - Orange / Copper
ab CHF 69.80
Konplott Massai goes Fishing Rainbow/ antique bras
ab CHF 49.80
Konplott Metal Crash
CHF 329.00
Konplott MyRouge
ab CHF 139.00
Konplott Oriental Bliss Pink / Copper
ab CHF 109.00
Konplott Paisley African Pastell/ Brass
CHF 99.80
Konplott Plain is Beautiful Orange
CHF 329.00
Konplott Punk Classics
ab CHF 69.80
Konplott Red, Pink, Rose / Silver
ab CHF 39.80
Konplott Schmuck MyRouge Purple / Copper
ab CHF 14.80
Konplott Shades of Light Matt Gold
ab CHF 79.80
Konplott Shopping Drops
ab CHF 39.80
Konplott Shower of Petals
ab CHF 99.80
Konplott Simplicité Royale Shades of White / Antiq
ab CHF 59.80
Konplott Simply Beautiful Green / Brass
CHF 79.80
Konplott Soul of Thorns, Sunset / Copper
CHF 109.00
Konplott Striptease
ab CHF 99.80
Konplott Studio 54 White/ Brass
ab CHF 39.80
konplott Sunflower White Pink/ Antique Copper
ab CHF 24.80
Konplott Tears of Joy
ab CHF 139.00
Konplott Textures under the Sea
CHF 169.00
Konplott Tropical Candy
ab CHF 49.80
Konplott Twistet Flower Brown/ Silver
CHF 139.00
Konplott Unchained Coralline / Brass
ab CHF 69.80
Konplott Verlorene Unschuld am Gartenzaun Auflage
ab CHF 99.80
Konplott Vichy
ab CHF 99.80
Konplott Vichy Orange/ Light / Antique Brass
CHF 39.80
Konplott Waterfalls Grey/ Silver
CHF 79.80
Mini Magic Fireball Apricot Shine / Antique Silver
ab CHF 59.80